Caution! Flu Shots: Health Risks You Should Be Aware Of

 Caution! Flu Shots: Health Risks You Should Be Aware Of

Around this time each year, doctors all across the globe advise their patients to obtain a flu shot. How risky this is, particularly for kids younger than 12, is something that the majority of people are unaware of or fail to comprehend. "My doctor is recommending that the whole family get a flu shot," some callers may add. Can I pull it off?I don't have the patience or energy to argue with family practitioners or doctors who clearly don't know about the potential negative effects on the body from flu shots or vaccinations in general, so I tell them to learn about the side effects and make up their own minds. Instead, they should seek out information and make an informed decision.
No flu shot has ever made me sick, and I've never had the flu either. Toxic substances and various viral strains developing on live tissue do not belong within the body, in my view. Due to popular demand, I'll discuss some of our findings regarding the most recent flu vaccine trend and the potentially dangerous by-products of these purportedly safe and sterile treatments.
While I can't speak for you, I certainly wouldn't want any of these substances absorbed into my system or circulated throughout my body. Let's have a look at the results from the most popular vaccines:
To put it simply, ethylene glycol is just another name for anti-freeze, the same chemical you'd use to fill your car's engine. I doubt I need to warn you about the consequences of swallowing antifreeze.
There is a chemical called thimerosal in most vaccines. It is used as a preservative and disinfectant. However, it can cause long-term brain damage, which can lead to diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, memory loss, slow brain function, and even auto-immune disorders like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
One example is phenol, which has several uses including disinfection, dyeing, and is known as carbolic acid. It is also considered a carcinogenic agent, meaning it can cause cancer.
The medications streptomycin and neomycin can cause serious adverse responses in certain patients. The use of two distinct antibiotics in a viral vaccination has long baffled me.
Diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's can develop when aluminum builds up in the body's tissues, including the skin, bones, brain, and kidneys. Mice tested with aluminum also developed tumors. The majority of vaccines contain it as an ingredient.
One example of a preservative is formaldehyde. Additionally, it raises the acidity of bodily fluids and is considered a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substance. Your body's tissues will begin to be preserved by formaldehyde.
When your doctor starts reminding you that it's time for your annual flu vaccine, I hope you'll bring this information to his attention and inquire about the efficacy of each ingredient. His response to that inquiry will pique my curiosity. Injecting these vaccinations into your body is done by straining them through various animal or human tissues, such as embryonic guinea pig cells, monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryos, and many more.
If I disregard my doctor's advice and forego getting a flu shot every year, what am I to do? As far as decisions go, this one is perhaps the best one you've ever made. So, to help you get through flu season unscathed, I'll share five simple secrets:
The first secret is to drink less sugary drinks, less alcoholic beverages, and more water with a splash of organic apple cider vinegar. Two tablespoons for every gallon, or one teaspoon for each glass. In an ideal world, you would consume half a gallon of water daily.
The second secret is to cut back on refined grains, refined sugar, white flour, candy, and hydrogenated oils. Watch your caloric intake, particularly around the holidays. At the very least, you should strive to exercise three times weekly. Your lymph system's ability to remove harmful substances from your body is enhanced by increasing your level of physical activity.
Thirdly, zinc. Taking zinc supplements has been shown to effectively prevent influenza in the vast majority of trials conducted during flu season. In addition to being an effective anti-viral, zinc is a potent immune-stimulant. You should use caution while selecting a zinc supplement because there are many distinct types of the mineral. As a result, zinc orotate is the type of zinc that I advise because it is both effective and easily absorbed. If you are unable to locate this particular zinc supplement at your neighborhood health food store or natural health practitioner, please do not hesitate to contact Global Healing Center at 713.476.0016 or Zinc should not be consumed with citrus fruits or juices while taking this medication. In doing so, it will reduce zinc's efficacy.
Secret No. 4: Get your food as close to the source as you can. What this means is that you should try to fill your diet with foods that are regarded to be "live," such as seasonal raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Shop at farmer's markets or organic farms if you can. Fruits and vegetables should be washed well before eating. Light steaming or adding to healthy soups and stews are two good ways to prepare vegetables. It is also suggested that you include fresh garlic in your daily meals.
Number five: Get rid of stress and bad feelings. The immune system can be swiftly weakened by negativity and stress. The key to a stress-free schedule is learning to decline invitations. Dedicate some time every day to reading uplifting books, listening to uplifting music, or meditating. Develop the habit of looking on the bright side and seeing setbacks as opportunities for growth. Stop acting like a "victim" all the time.
FREE STUFF! Secret No. 6: Oxygenator, Oregano Oil, and Colloidal Silver: Colloidal silver has a long history of use as a natural antibiotic that speeds up the healing process. Additionally, it has eardrop and nasal spray applications. The oxygenator is a harmless, stable inorganic substance that contains chlorine and oxygen in an odorless, colorless water. In addition to its anti-inflammatory, broad-spectrum, bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal properties, oxygenator is known to emit chlorine dioxide (CL02). This triple-threat capability of CL02 has been confirmed in the Chemistry Literature. Oregano oil is an effective antimicrobial and analgesic. Phytotherapy Research presented an article about how oregano oil significantly outperformed anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals in reducing inflammation and pain, and it's almost as effective as morphine as a painkiller. Significant antioxidant capabilities are also possessed by the oil. It also improves digestion by increasing the flow of bile. You should always have these three items on hand in your medicine cabinet. Call 713.476.0016 or visit to get all three.
INCREDIBLE PERK! Additional Hints & Recommendations

Get a good night's sleep. Between sunset and midnight, the body heals the fastest. No amount of sleep can be "catch-up" on.Be sure to wash your hands often. Before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, make sure your hands are dry and rinsed well. Sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it immediately.
Replace your toothbrush regularly. A virus can live on a toothbrush and make a sick person's symptoms worse.
If you suffer from congestion, try using eucalyptus oil. Six drops into a pot of boiling water or a hot bath; cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam. An essential oil diffuser is another option for dispersing its aroma.
Things Made from Dairy. In addition to the fact that many individuals have an undiagnosed allergy to cow's milk, dairy products can be quite mucous-causing.
To alleviate flu symptoms, put three drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into each ear three times a day for five days.

There will be many more flu seasons to come, so I decided it was time to come clean and share these secrets with everyone. Based on my research, I have concluded that your doctor is trying to hide the fact that vaccines like the flu can have serious side effects from you. If you liked this post and would like to share it with someone else, please do so. I hope this holiday season brings you joy and good health. Remember to visit our constantly updated website,, to peruse all of the material and research articles.

Wow, that's funny!
headline: Caution! Flu Shots: Health Risks You Should Be Aware Of
Who wrote it: Dr. Edward F. Group III 366.shtml is the URL of the source.
Saved on: 2007-07-25 at 12:30:10
subject: medical

Around this time each year, doctors all across the globe advise their patients to obtain a flu shot. How risky this is, particularly for kids younger than 12, is something that the majority of people are unaware of or fail to comprehend. "My doctor is recommending that the whole family get a flu shot," some callers may add. Can I pull it off?I don't have the patience or energy to argue with family practitioners or doctors who clearly don't know about the potential negative effects on the body from flu shots or vaccinations in general, so I tell them to learn about the side effects and make up their own minds. Instead, they should seek out information and make an informed decision.
No flu shot has ever made me sick, and I've never had the flu either. Toxic substances and various viral strains developing on live tissue do not belong within the body, in my view. Due to popular demand, I'll discuss some of our findings regarding the most recent flu vaccine trend and the potentially dangerous by-products of these purportedly safe and sterile treatments.

While I can't speak for you, I certainly wouldn't want any of these substances absorbed into my system or circulated throughout my body. Let's have a look at the results from the most popular vaccines:
To put it simply, ethylene glycol is just another name for anti-freeze, the same chemical you'd use to fill your car's engine. I doubt I need to warn you about the consequences of swallowing antifreeze.
There is a chemical called thimerosal in most vaccines. It is used as a preservative and disinfectant. However, it can cause long-term brain damage, which can lead to diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, memory loss, slow brain function, and even auto-immune disorders like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
One example is phenol, which has several uses including disinfection, dyeing, and is known as carbolic acid. It is also considered a carcinogenic agent, meaning it can cause cancer.
The medications streptomycin and neomycin can cause serious adverse responses in certain patients. The use of two distinct antibiotics in a viral vaccination has long baffled me.
Diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's can develop when aluminum builds up in the body's tissues, including the skin, bones, brain, and kidneys. Mice tested with aluminum also developed tumors. The majority of vaccines contain it as an ingredient.
One example of a preservative is formaldehyde. Additionally, it raises the acidity of bodily fluids and is considered a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substance. Your body's tissues will begin to be preserved by formaldehyde.
When your doctor starts reminding you that it's time for your annual flu vaccine, I hope you'll bring this information to his attention and inquire about the efficacy of each ingredient. His response to that inquiry will pique my curiosity. Injecting these vaccinations into your body is done by straining them through various animal or human tissues, such as embryonic guinea pig cells, monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryos, and many more.
If I disregard my doctor's advice and forego getting a flu shot every year, what am I to do? As far as decisions go, this one is perhaps the best one you've ever made. So, to help you get through flu season unscathed, I'll share five simple secrets:
The first secret is to drink less sugary drinks, less alcoholic beverages, and more water with a splash of organic apple cider vinegar. Two tablespoons for every gallon, or one teaspoon for each glass. In an ideal world, you would consume half a gallon of water daily.
The second secret is to cut back on refined grains, refined sugar, white flour, candy, and hydrogenated oils. Watch your caloric intake, particularly around the holidays. At the very least, you should strive to exercise three times weekly. Your lymph system's ability to remove harmful substances from your body is enhanced by increasing your level of physical activity.
Thirdly, zinc. Taking zinc supplements has been shown to effectively prevent influenza in the vast majority of trials conducted during flu season. In addition to being an effective anti-viral, zinc is a potent immune-stimulant. You should use caution while selecting a zinc supplement because there are many distinct types of the mineral. As a result, zinc orotate is the type of zinc that I advise because it is both effective and easily absorbed. If you are unable to locate this particular zinc supplement at your neighborhood health food store or natural health practitioner, please do not hesitate to contact Global Healing Center at 713.476.0016 or Zinc should not be consumed with citrus fruits or juices while taking this medication. In doing so, it will reduce zinc's efficacy.
Secret No. 4: Get your food as close to the source as you can. What this means is that you should try to fill your diet with foods that are regarded to be "live," such as seasonal raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Shop at farmer's markets or organic farms if you can. Fruits and vegetables should be washed well before eating. Light steaming or adding to healthy soups and stews are two good ways to prepare vegetables. It is also suggested that you include fresh garlic in your daily meals.
Number five: Get rid of stress and bad feelings. The immune system can be swiftly weakened by negativity and stress. The key to a stress-free schedule is learning to decline invitations. Dedicate some time every day to reading uplifting books, listening to uplifting music, or meditating. Develop the habit of looking on the bright side and seeing setbacks as opportunities for growth. Stop acting like a "victim" all the time.
FREE STUFF! Secret No. 6: Oxygenator, Oregano Oil, and Colloidal Silver: Colloidal silver has a long history of use as a natural antibiotic that speeds up the healing process. Additionally, it has eardrop and nasal spray applications. The oxygenator is a harmless, stable inorganic substance that contains chlorine and oxygen in an odorless, colorless water. In addition to its anti-inflammatory, broad-spectrum, bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal properties, oxygenator is known to emit chlorine dioxide (CL02). This triple-threat capability of CL02 has been confirmed in the Chemistry Literature. Oregano oil is an effective antimicrobial and analgesic. Phytotherapy Research presented an article about how oregano oil significantly outperformed anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals in reducing inflammation and pain, and it's almost as effective as morphine as a painkiller. Significant antioxidant capabilities are also possessed by the oil. It also improves digestion by increasing the flow of bile. You should always have these three items on hand in your medicine cabinet. Call 713.476.0016 or visit to get all three.
INCREDIBLE PERK! Additional Hints & Recommendations

Get a good night's sleep. Between sunset and midnight, the body heals the fastest. No amount of sleep can be "catch-up" on.Be sure to wash your hands often. Before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, make sure your hands are dry and rinsed well. Sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it immediately.
Replace your toothbrush regularly. A virus can live on a toothbrush and make a sick person's symptoms worse.
If you suffer from congestion, try using eucalyptus oil. Six drops into a pot of boiling water or a hot bath; cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam. An essential oil diffuser is another option for dispersing its aroma.
Things Made from Dairy. In addition to the fact that many individuals have an undiagnosed allergy to cow's milk, dairy products can be quite mucous-causing.
To alleviate flu symptoms, put three drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into each ear three times a day for five days.

There will be many more flu seasons to come, so I decided it was time to come clean and share these secrets with everyone. Based on my research, I have concluded that your doctor is trying to hide the fact that vaccines like the flu can have serious side effects from you. If you liked this post and would like to share it with someone else, please do so. I hope this holiday season brings you joy and good health. Remember to visit our constantly updated website,, to peruse all of the material and research articles.

Wow, that's funny!

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